Our Team.

Sandra Thompson


Sandra can’t help but get involved in your business. She will treat it with as much passion and dedication as her own. By understanding you and your business on a deeper level, Sandra will provide strategic advice and solutions on how to reach your business goals.  

Nicole Stafford


Nicole keeps everyone in line (including Sandra!) to ensure all tasks are assigned and completed on time. Nicole provides us with all the support we need and is the go-to for any project queries. Nicole will ensure every job is completed to the highest standard and will always keep you informed every step of the way. Nicole's attention to detail and reliability is second to none.

The Experts:


Our expert team is on hand to implement the solutions Sandra advises, so you don’t have to worry about figuring it out alone. With specialised skills in various areas from administration, business management, social media and web design, we won’t offer a solution we can’t cover. 

We are

01 — Approachable 

Approachable is: warm, personable, relatable

Approachable is not: exclusive, closed off or confusing

Our clients want to be able to trust and relate to whoever they work with. They want to feel that their business is being looked after by someone who understands what it’s like, and they can feel safe speaking to about anything. 

02 — Passionate

Passionate is: active, encouraging, ambitious

Passionate is not: causal, half-hearted or passive

Our clients want to know that we are as passionate about their business as they are. They want us to show that we care and are actively working towards both our goals and theirs. They want to see real passion and energy in what we talk about. 

03 — Reliable

Reliable is: trustworthy, consistent, honest

Reliable is not: guarded, dishonest, unclear 

Our clients need to know they can trust us with their business. They want to have full belief in the timelines and services we present. They value open communication and honesty and don’t engage with those who are all talk and no follow through. 

04 — Experts

Experts are: knowledgeable, supportive, hard-working

Experts are not: vague, confusing, inefficient

Our clients work with people like them: ambitious, knowledgeable and hardworking. They want to work with people who know what they’re talking about and can provide real value to their business in a way they can see and understand clearly. 

You don’t lack creativity, you lack a strategy. Let us empower in your business.

Start a new relationship with your business today.